Global Tool and Engineering – experience, proffesional approach and the highest quality
Within the scope of our production there are:
- blanking and drawing dies and their parts, such as die blocks, punchres, puch plates, stripper plates, etc.
- mounting fixtures and sub-assemblies of automatic production lines,
- brake press and turret press tooling,
- Quality assurance fixtures,
- holding and welding fixtures,
- hydraulics and pneumatics parts and manifolds,
- single, low and medium volume CNC machined parts (including stainless steel, bronze, copper, aluminum)
GLOBAL TOOL AND ENGINEERING provides its services to automotive, aircraft, chemical, appliance and building industries mainly for the companies located in the USA, Germany and Poland. Based on our experience, depending on the scope and complexity of the project, we are able to provide our Customers with a significant cost savings, providing the best possible service (quality, price and delivery). Orders are accomplished based on the blueprints delivered by the Customer or our own designs completed after consulting Customer’s expectations.
Our services
Our company employs qualified specialists who deal with the broadly understood metalworking. Therefore, we undertake various tasks, the implementation of which is necessary for our clients for further work. We make every effort to ensure that all projects are of the highest quality.
For our production we use both conventional and powdered metal tool steels. Vacuum heat treatment and various types of tool coating (TiN, TiCN, Balinit Futura Nano Top, etc.) are pplied to ensure the highest quality of tooling provided. We also deliver stainless steel, aluminium, bronze, brass and plastic parts.
We execute orders for continuous deliveries as well as single jobs and services at a competitive price and delivery terms.
Please, let us know your needs and we will address them as soon as possible.
We invite you to establish long term cooperation with our company!